10th EUSBSR Annual Forum: Call for seminars

The organizers of the 10th EUSBSR Annual Forum- that will take place in Gdansk on 12-13 June 2019- invite strategic stakeholders to propose relevant seminars for the event.
Seminars are the core of the Forum, devolved to the exchange of angles, ideas and initiatives, and they are expected to relate to at least one of the three main themes of this year:

1. “Going circular- a pathway to well-being in the Baltic Sea Region”
2. “Business-driven approach to the circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region”
3. “Demography and circularity in the Baltic Sea Region: interdependent or disconnected?”

Guidelines for staging a seminar are available here

Deadline for proposals submission: 15th February 2019 to 10thAnnualForum@pomorskie.eu