Baltic Sea NGO Network – Bringing together NGOs

The purpose of the network is to support and strengthen civil society in the Baltic Sea area by:

Bringing together NGOs

The Baltic Sea NGO Network is a cooperative body of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the Baltic Sea Area. The network is open to all organisations with an interest in Baltic Sea Cooperation. The Baltic Sea NGO Network is a cooperative body of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the Baltic Sea Area. The network is open to all organisations with an interest in Baltic Sea Cooperation.

Exposing NGOs

and influencing the democratic decision-making process on the national, regional and EU levels, and by supporting the development of international understanding and inter-cultural activities.

Raising public awareness

and understanding for the work of NGOs, citizens’ activities and initiatives, and encouraging people to get involved in their own affairs, and encouraging people to get involved and take an interest in their own affairs.

Read more about our Network here: