Stakeholder’s Seminar in Warsaw within Policy Area (PA) Education

Last week we’ve participated in the stakeholder’s Seminar in Warsaw within Policy Area (PA) Education, one of the Policy Areas of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).

Stakeholders Seminar took place on 28 March 2018 in the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw.

The aims of this seminar were:
-to inform about the EUSBSR, PA Education and its flagship projects,
-to widen a network of stakeholders in Poland within PA Education,
-to give Polish stakeholders a possibility to join the existing flagships and/or to take new initiatives in the framework of the EUSBSR.

In addition to a status report from PA Education and its flagships, there was also a thematic discussion in five groups:
-Combatting early school leaving and improving the transition from education to labour market
-Improving the quality of education and vocational training through work-based learning and fostering entrepreneurial mindsets
-International excellence in tertiary education, science and research
-A labour market for all, using resources of longer lives
-Recognizing potential – easing the way for newly arrived refugees Please note that working language of the Stakeholders Seminar is English.


Read more about the EUSBSR PA Education flagships and seminars here: