We invite you to the “Bioeconomy – agricultural and fishery challenges for the future” conference in Kalmar

On behalf of  the Umbrella project’s partnership BISER invites you to the two-day South Baltic Sea Conference:

 “Bioeconomy – agricultural and fishery challenges for the future”

Kalmar (Sweden)

Kalmarsalen- Skeppsbrogatan 49, 392 31 Kalmar

18th-19th September

This conference is the first Cross-border Conference with “Policy Area” Panel foreseen in Umbrella project. Now, you will have the opportunity to know more about one of the selected focus topics: Bioeconomy.

The main objective of the conference is to investigate the possibilities to create projects to be submitted to the upcoming call for proposals in the South Baltic Programme. To be able to do that, the conference will provide you with information about the ongoing discussion concerning Bioeconomy in Brussels, the objectives in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy and the support you can get from the Umbrella-project in the project application phase.

The conference is co-organized with the EUSBSR PA Bioeconomy- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

You can find the invitation and draft agenda of the event here: Invitation & Draft Programme_Umbrella Conference


Registration is now open at the following link: https://bit.ly/2wjkeuP

Don’t wait! Register as soon as possible not to miss this chance!

We look forward to seeing you soon in Kalmar!

Kind regards

Valentina Scandola & Jan Martinsson


P.S. For further details, please contact:

Jan Martinsson
Head of Baltic Sea Region Affairs
Regional Council of Kalmar County
Tel: +46 (0) 480-448795, Mobile: +46 (0) 72-2231026
or Valentina Scandola (details below)

Valentina Scandola

UMBRELLA Project Manager

Euroregion Baltic: euroregionbaltic.eu

Stowarzyszenie Gmin RP Euroregion Bałtyk
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
ul.Stary Rynek 25
82-300 Elbląg, Poland

Mobile: +48 538 36 89 66
Tel:+48 (55) 611 20 02
Fax:+48 (55) 611 20 01

E-mail: valentina.scandola@euroregionbaltic.eu