Baltic Sea Youth Declaration 2022: concrete suggestions and recommendations for decision-makers around the Baltic Sea region

Article from the EUSBSR website

The Baltic Sea Youth Declaration 2022, with concrete suggestions and recommendations for decision-makers around the Baltic Sea region was published at the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2022. The declaration structure builts on the 14 policy areas of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, supporting the integration of the views to the strategy implementation.

The document combines elements of earlier declarations from 2019 and 2020, ideas grown during the working sessions of the Advocacy Working Group of the Baltic Sea Youth Platform, and impulses developed during the Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2022 in Lappeenranta, Finland held in August 2022. All together, around 200 young people were involved in the process. 

Within the framework of the European Year of Youth 2022 and the Youth4Cooperation initiative – the Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2022 focused on developing concrete ideas on how more young people can become part of the EUSBSR step by step and in a meaningful way.

Read the declaration here.

Further information on youth participation in the Baltic Sea Region,
contact Baltic Sea Youth Platform at youth(a) or info(a)