BYSED project partners to submit a seminar proposal for the 7th EUSBSR Strategy Forum

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BYSED project consortium was invited to take an active role at the 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) held in Stockholm, 8-9 November 2016, by organising a seminar, workshop or public interview. Proposals for seminars may be submitted from March to 17 May 2016.

We decided to give it a try and prepare workshop directly connected to our “BSR youth social entrepreneurship development” project idea.

The workshop will focus on the youth social entrepreneurship. It aims to discuss such questions as: what is social entrepreneurship and how can we shape entrepreneurial mindsets among youth in order to increase the prosperity of the Baltic Sea Region in 2030? How can social entrepreneurship help with combating youth unemployment in the BSR countries? What are the existing formats and methods for youth education based on social entrepreneurship? A key factor of success of the educational activities towards the social entrepreneurship in the BSR is the integrated approach and cooperation between variety of actors: regional/local authorities, business, academia and NGO’s, thus we wish to involve these stakeholders in the discussion . Best practices on current experience and networks will be presented. The speakers will examine the common challenges and joint approaches in addressing the youth social entrepreneurship and will be followed by a discussion involving the audience.

You can read more on the possibility of organizing the Forum seminar here:

and the guidelines on how to submit the proposal here: