BYSED Seed Money Facility project final meeting in Gdańsk

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On 16th and 17th March all BYSED project partners gathered in Gdańsk for two days to finalize our work within the BYSED project, summarize the “state-of-the-art” report on youth social entrepreneurship (Output no1)  and discuss the possibilities for future cooperation. Among others we discussed: final report preparation and financial issues, followed up by the identification of possible EU funding sources (Output no2) + we had a great discussion on possible new project applications. Partners also shared information about the two project applications that were submitted during the project timeframe as a results of our co-operation within Seed project – one to be Erasmus+ and second one – Nordic Council of Ministers grant, that was already approved. This will be great chance for the partners involved to continue the cooperation we started during the BYSED project. We finished the 1st day of the meeting with a nice evening dinner in one of the restaurants in Gdansk Old Town.

On the second day we had a brainstorming session and discussion about the about potential future cooperation model among partners  including possibilities within BS NGO Network, seminars during the EUSBSR Annual Forum etc., cooperation with projects like Let’s Communicate etc. We also met with potential partners for new projects from Poland – Polish Economic Society, “Pomorskie in the EU” Association, University of Gdansk representatives and others. All the BYSED partners agreed, that this project was just a start of our cooperation and we now plan to develop new project applications, but also continue joint efforts to foster youth social entrepreneurship in the region.


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