We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study examines the Pomorskie local entrepreneurship ecosystem and regional smart specialisation approach. It identifies bottlenecks and enablers in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem and makes policy recommendations on how to further strengthen local entrepreneurship and industrial renewal. The case study offers a number of policy suggestions and models for Pomorskie and for other regions interested in promoting entrepreneurship and emerging industries.
This case study examines the local entrepreneurship ecosystem of the Pomorskie region in Poland and its capacity to promote productivity upgrading and industrial renewal. It forms part of the workstream on local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries of the OECD’s Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Committee. The OECD local entrepreneurship ecosystems work examines the main dimensions of local entrepreneurship ecosystems that affect innovative start-ups, scale-ups and innovation in existing enterprises in case study regions. It relates the policy development of local entrepreneurship ecosystems to the principle of regional smart specialisation and investigates how smart specialisation strategies are helping to strengthen entrepreneurship and innovation in regions. Pomorskie is a very interesting case study region with high potential for entrepreneurship and innovation. It has key assets in a strong set of universities, research organisations, large enterprises, local clusters and start-up development infrastructure. Its regional government has an active policy for promoting entrepreneurship and emerging industries through its smart specialisation strategy. This case study examines the Pomorskie local entrepreneurship ecosystem and regional smart specialisation approach. It identifies bottlenecks and enablers in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem and makes policy recommendations on how to further strengthen local entrepreneurship and industrial renewal. The case study offers a number of policy suggestions and models for Pomorskie and for other regions interested in promoting entrepreneurship and emerging industries.
Project Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region SEBS2 is executed under the Erasmus+ program and co-financed by the European Union.
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