First impressions from the BIOECONOMY cross-border conference in Kalmar

You can see first impressions and all the presentations given by our excellent speakers during the BIOECONOMY cross-border conference in Kalmar on 18-19th Sep! Over 60 participants joined us to discuss the newest project ideas in bioeconomy. We had fantastic workshops about the agricultural and fishery challenges for the future, and we hope that new Interreg South Baltic project concepts were identified and will be further pursued within the UMBRELLA project.


And a BIG thank you to our hosts from the Regional Council of Kalmar County for organising this event!

Please see below pics taken by Małgosia Matkowska from the “Pomorskie in the EU” Association


Presentations are here:


BIOFISK at UMBRELLA Kalmar sept. 17th 2018 – share

180918 bioeconomy cg

2018_09_18_Umbrella on green tech_MN

2018 09 1 8 Bioekonomi i EUSBSR Umbrella i Kalmar

UMBRELLA_ Conference PA panel

The Bioeconomy PP Adam Kalmar