Looking for info on participatory budgeting “PB”? PBbase is here to help!

Please find PB lectures and recordings of PBbase presentations on our PBbase YouTube Channel. 

IMPORTANT!  The nearest  PBbase-event will take place on the 26th of November (see more in Future Events below)

What it is? Why should it be run? Who is it for? How to set one up or develop an existing process? Who else is doing it already?

These are some of the questions many people working in municipalities, government, NGOs’ or other organizations in democracy and area development are tackling today. The PBbase –network is a good place to start!

Many municipalities and other stakeholders are currently planning or implementing participatory budgeting (PB) in the Baltic Sea Region. As PB is a joint effort, it is important to learn from others. Therefore we, the EmPaci – Empowering Participatory Budgeting in the Baltic Sea Region -project, is setting up a network: PBbase. The aim of this network is to share information and experiences regarding the implementation of participatory budgeting in different local settings.

PBbase will work as a networking tool in bringing PB experts, municipalities and other interested parties together. The aim is to build a way to communicate easily and work as a database that offers easy and accessible information regarding planning, implementing and evaluating PB. Learning from others is a valuable experience and PBbase will happily provide people interested in PB an opportunity to share information and experiences.

You can download an invitation letter to the PBbase-network from here.

For more information contact our EmPaci Project partners from Finland:

Lotta-Maria Sinervo
Tampere University

Meri Pulkkinen
Tampere University