The project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, cofinanced by Nordic Council of Ministers Programme and executed in partnershipo of 4 organizations, covering Noredic/Baltic region. Project has been strated from September, 2017 and its planned duration is 1 year.
Overall objectives of the project are to stimulate development of the social entrepreneurship (SE) in the Baltic sea region, providing educational, networking and best practice exchange opportunities in the Baltic Sea region counties. This approach is expected to have a long-term sustainable impact and will raise the economic activity of inhabitants in Latvia, Poland and Russia (Kaliningrad region) through know-how transfer from Denmark, online e-course and an updated networking platform
The expected results of the project are:
- enhanced education availability on SE in Latvia, Poland, Russia and Denmark;
- increased individual capacities of potential and existing social entrepreneurs (including youth and unemployed);
- improved availability of networking possibilities of social enterprises in the region by the use of the platform;
- exchanged good practices among project partners;
- raised society awareness about social entrepreneurship;
- promotion of cooperation SE field among academic stakeholders;
- involvement of stakeholders for promotion of platform and SE in general.
As well as an increase of recognition of value, vision and mission of social business and increased number of social entrepreneurs in project countries and Baltic/Nordic region. The main idea is to stimulate important personal mind-set and skills by new and innovative teaching methods, educational culture and approach through knowledge available in the Baltic/Nordic countries.
Main activities:
- development of extensive educational module social entrepreneurs’ skills;
- organization of local trainings in Latvia, Poland and Russia;
- development of online e-course, adapted to each partner country language;
- organization of 2 study trips (to Russia and Denmark) with participation of 25 participants;
- promotion of open education and networking platform
Project partners:
Social innovation centre (SIC) (Latvia)
Sociale Entreprenører i Danmark (Denmark) http://sociale-entreprenø
Bałtycki Instytut Spraw Europejskich i Regionalnych (BISER) (Poland)
Autonomous non-commercial organization Competence Building Centre (COBUCE) (Russia)
This publication is part of project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, cofinanced by Nordic Council of Ministers Programme, project identification number 17055. Responsible for the content solely publisher/presenter; it does not reflect the views of Nordic Council of Ministers and any related financial body. Those institutions do not bear responsibility for the information set out in the material.