BalticSeaRegion, ENGAGE, EUSBSR, NGOs, Post, projects, slider

Report from the EU Commission on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies

On 9 December, as requested by the Council, the EU Commission published its fourth implementation report of the EU macro-regional strategies. The report covers the period from mid-2020 to mid-2022. The biannual report from the EU Commission presents a wide range of results, challenges and opportunities on all 14 policy...

BalticSeaRegion, BSNGON, EEA grants, ENGAGE, NGOs, Post, projects, slider

The Power of the Civil Society Sector in Norway

The civil society sector in Norway is a vital part of the country’s society and economy. It comprises NGOs, think tanks, foundations, and other organisations that work to improve the lives of Norwegian citizens. The sector is also a significant recipient of EEA Grants, grants from the European Union (EU)...

BalticSeaRegion, ENGAGE, EUSBSR, NGOs, projects, UMBRELLA

Umbrella 2.0 report of activities in 2021

UMBRELLA 2.0 - an important project building the capacities of small and local actors in the Baltic Sea Region! To fill the gap left after the Umbrella project in the cross-border cooperation, waiting for new financing in the EU programming period 2021-2027, Euroregion Baltic realized the Umbrella project’s success in...