The Social Siesta Webinar Series features three challenges which most social entrepreneurs: How do I explain the value of my social business to partners?How to reach out to my customers?What can Europe do for me? For these three questions, we are organizing three webinars. The webinars feature speakers from Central European countries...
Tag: social economy
BalticSeaRegion, BSNGON, entrepreneurship, Erasmus+, EUSBSR, NGOs, Post, projects, slider, social entrepreneurship
Mid-term meeting of SENBS project in Poland
Project SENBS is already halfway through its implementation period! It was not easy to run the project fully during the COVID times but despite all the challenges we managed to organise a hybrid mid-term meeting in Gdansk on 24 and 25th Jan 2022 with our Partners coming from Estonia, Denmark,...
Validation of the Social Seed incubation methodology
The Social SEED project's overall objective is to design and validate a new social incubator for people at risk of social and economic exclusion. To achieve its goals, the strategic partnership carries out different phases called Intellectual Outputs. Throughout the project, the strategic partnership will design a methodology guide, create...
EU will present Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!
The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, with developing a European Action Plan for Social Economy. The 2021 Commission Work Programme announced that the publication date for the Action Plan would be the fourth quarter of 2021. It also highlights that the Action Plan will enhance...
Social Economy mainstreamed into the ESF Plus & the ERDF
Important information coming from the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund. Click on links to read full documents. ESF Plus Regulation, approved yesterday, states: Social economy enterprises could play a key role in delivering on social innovation and contributing to economic and social resilience. The definition...