Thanks to our partnership and already existent networks of cooperation, we’re able to provide direct support in partners search and networking. What is our Pool of Experts and what are the Microactivities we offer?
We count on a “Pool of Experts” able to provide expertise in the following EU and Non-EU Grants:
Interreg South Baltic
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Interreg Central Europe
Erasmus +
Europe for citizens
Horizon 2020
Creative Europe
Rights, Equality and Citizenship work programme
Swedish Institute funding
EEA & Norway Grants
PO WER (polish programme)
Nordic Council of Ministers
Eu Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
If you have a project idea, we can help you frame it in one of the programmes mentioned above, checking calls for proposals and main programme objectives. Our experts will provide free consultancy.
Micro-activities are dedicated to the creation of new networks of cooperation, or the enlargement of existing ones. We take the financial burden for several activities (e.g. simulation of project ideation; study visits; joint reports) covering participants’ travel and accommodation costs.
NB. Our beneficiaries are NGOs, Local and regional authorities and associations, chambers of commerce, business support organizations, Local governments, Local activists, Institutions for nature protection, culture and national heritage.
For all the activities above mentioned, we can cover the costs just for organizations (not individuals) settled in the South Baltic Programme eligible area (
he project UMBRELLA is partly financed from the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.
Project name (EN): Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities of local actors in the South Baltic Sea
Project acronym: UMBRELLA
Project start date: 2018-01-01; Project end date: 2020-06-30
Total budget/expenditure: EUR 986.566,00
European Union funding: EUR 786.652,00