UMBRELLA project kick-off and 20th anniversary of Euroregion BALTIC

On February 14-15, 2018 BISER representatives visited Elbląg, where Euroregion Baltic organized two days long series of meetings and officially launched Umbrella project.  UMBRELLA aims at developing know-how capacities for small local and regional organizations in the South Baltic Programme area to initiate their active participation in the cross-border cooperation in daily activities.

Representatives of all the project partners and most of the associated partners were present at the meeting. During these days we had a chance to met, get to know our organizations, discuss the overall UMBRELLA aims and objectives and what type of the results we wish to achieve. The meeting was coordinated by Sebastian Magier – Project Coordinator and Valentina Scandola – Umbrella Project Manager.

After we finished the meeting on Thursday 15th, we were all invited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ERB Baltic and participate in the conference “Partnership for the Future – Solving Baltic Sea Cooperation Rubik’s Cube”. During the conference, we had a unique chance to hear about the successes and challenges of the ERB in the broader context of the Baltic Sea Region and European Union.

You can read more about the meetings and see the agenda here: