We make transition! partners and change agents met in Trondheim, Norway

We make transition! partner meeting was organised in Trondheim, Norway on 13-14 November 2024.

The event was full of inspiration as the WMT partners and change makers shared and compared their learnings on the transition arena processes that were organised in altogether 12 locations. Also a study visit to Svartlamon housing district was organised, Svartlamon is based on the ecological and social sustainability principles created by the people in cooperation with the city.

Presentations of the meeting 

Introduction by the Lead Partner: Actual issues of the project – Trondheim partner meeting

Vidzeme, Latvia: Vidzeme organic food arena

Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland: Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Transition Arena

Gdynia, Poland: Gdynia Crossectoral Sustainability Arena

Tampere, Finland: Tampere Future Arena of Sustainable Life

Bremen, Germany: Bremen organic food transition in schools

Tartu, Estonia: Tartu Circular Arena

Kemiönsaari, Finland: Kemiönsaari Transition Arena for a Sustainable Future