Why this project?
In 2014 Social innovation center has conducted the study “Social enterprise sector snapshot around the Baltic sea” and identified that learning possibilities on social entrepreneurship (SE) offered in the Baltic Sea region are critically low in Latvia and not well served in Poland. There is no formal education for SE in Poland. However, there some linked programmes, or some individual courses and several formal courses and training workshops. Partner from Kaliningrad region has some path on developing SE but there still a lot to be done to promote SE there. The situation in Denmark is more optimistic than in other project’s countries hence some experience, and know-how about SE will be transferred from Denmark.
What is the project timeline?
The project begins in September 2017 and has foreseen a final event in September 2018. Project’s milestones:
- Creation of description of extensive educational module – February 2018
- Practical approbation of training module – March 2018
- Creation of online extensive educational module – August 2018
- Study trips: Denmark – June 2018, Kaliningrad – July 2018
- Dissemination (seminars) in Riga, Kaliningrad, Gdansk – July – August 2018
What is the goal?
The overall objective of the project is to stimulate the development of the SE in the Baltic sea region, providing educational, networking and best practice exchange opportunities in the Baltic Sea region countries.
Who is the partner?
The partners in the project are four non-profit organizations working for the development of social entrepreneurship and strengthening cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region:
1. Social innovation center (SIC) – Łotwa
2.Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark (SED)- Dania
3. Baltic Institute for Regional and European Concern (BISER) – Polska
4. Autonomous non-commercial organization (COBUCE) – Rosja
To whom is this project addressed?
The direct target group is existing and potential social entrepreneurs including youth, and long-term unemployed. There is a plan to engage many social entrepreneurs, start-ups from all project’s countries, academic representatives as well as plenty of virtual participants as internet users.
What are the main activities of the project?
There are six main activities:
1) Create educational methodology with module for development of critical competencies for potential and existing social entrepreneurs;
2) Organise three trainings for practical approbation of educational methodology/module;
3) Create an online training e-course based on the tested educational module;
4) Maintain, update and share project results and online training e-course in the SE Support Network
Of the Baltic Sea Region (www.socialenterprisebsr.net).
5) Organise two study and best practices exchange trips for academic representatives and social
Entrepreneurs and SE start-ups to Russia (Kaliningrad) and Denmark.
6) Organise three project results dissemination events.
We expect that all activities will have a long-term impact on the facilitation and development of SE in the Baltic Sea region. The methodology and platform are based on already developed, functioning and tested mechanisms what could bring only positive effects.
The project is supported by grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers (in DKK)