This online workshop is organized as part of the EUSBSR Forum for Gender Equality and Growth 3.0 project. The event is organised by the project partners Winnet Sverige, Swedish Institute and EUSBSR Policy Area Innovation / The Baltic Institute of Finland.
The event aims at:
- Highlighting challenges and opportunities to ensure gender equality in the support system on innovation and entrepreneurship on all levels in society.
- Promoting gender equality work and perspectives in EUSBSR Policy Area Innovation, and presenting successful methods and tools for it
Moderator: Gertrud Åström, Women’s Baltic Peacebuilding Initiative, Gender and Gender Mainstreaming expert
Welcome to the EUSBSR Forum for Gender Equality and Growth, 3.0
Britt-Marie S. Torstensson, Co-ordinator, Winnet Sverige
Esa Kokkonen, Director, The Baltic Institute of Finland, Coordinator, EUSBSR Policy Area Innovation
PANEL 1: How can capacity building secure gender equality in the support system of innovation and business, even more so after a pandemic
Saara-Sofia Siren, Member of Finnish Parliament
Anna Hagström, Swedish Prime Ministry office
Lina Nilsson, Gender Equality expert, Neighborhood East European Commission – DG NEAR
Keynote Speech: Unconscious gender bias among actors in the innovation system
Professor Malin Malmström, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Sweden
PANEL 2: From strategy to action/praxis – the drive for innovation and gender equality
Paula Wennberg, Founder of Gender Contact Point at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Marta Hozer Kocmiel, Winnet Centre of Excellence® and Stettin University
Richer Business: a gender-aware tool for innovative businesses and organizations
Paula Wennberg (LTU)
Modeling of the relation between gender equality and economic growth in BSR and EAP countries
Marta Hozer Kocmiel (Winnet Centre of Excellence®, Stettin University)
Summary, reflections and next steps for EUSBSR Forum for Gender Equality and Growth 3.0
Gertrud Åström, Britt-Marie S. Torstensson, Esa Kokkonen
Registrations here by 16 November 2021
Online meeting, Zoom17.11.2021 10:00-12:30
This information is provided to polish NGOs in the framework of ENGAGE! project co-funded by the Active Citizens Programme financed by the EEA Grants.