Why join the Baltic Sea NGO Network?

The Baltic Sea NGO Network is a cooperative body of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the Baltic Sea Area. The network is open to all organisations with an interest in Baltic Sea Cooperation.


The purpose of the network is to support and strengthen civil society in the Baltic Sea area

  • by bringing together NGOs from different Baltic Sea countries and from different areas of interest to share experiences, exchange information and improve their knowledge
  • by creating partnerships and supporting trans-national as well as inter-sectoral networks between NGOs from different Baltic Sea countries
  • by making NGOs more visible and influencing the democratic decision-making process on the national, regional and EU levels
  • by supporting the development of international understanding and inter-cultural activities.
  • by raising public awareness and understanding for the work of NGOs, citizens’ activities and initiatives, and
  • by encouraging people to get involved and take an interest in their own affairs.

The network is organized into national platforms consisting of their respective member organisations. Each platform is headed by a focal point, which coordinates its activities and is responsible for interaction and communication between the Co-ordinating Committee (CC) and the national platform.


The network is chaired by the country chairing the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). Decisions about joint activities of the network are taken by the Co-ordinating Committee (CC), which consists of one or two representatives from each of the Baltic Sea Countries. The Co-ordinating Committee also prepares the annual Baltic Sea NGO Forum together with the platform of the country chairing the CBSS. Between the forums, the CC may co-operate with national, regional or international political bodies to influence the political agenda and the decision-making process.


The complete guidelines of the network can be downloaded here.

If your organization is interested in Baltic Sea cooperation or you just think it could be, please feel free to contact the focal point of your country’s NGO platform to learn more.


You are most welcome to join us!

The see the latest news from the Polish focal point follow our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BISER.POL/