New Interreg South Baltic project approved with BISER on board!

Great news!

The AMBeR (Advanced Modeling of Baltic Cancer e-caRe) project was selected for funding last week by the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027.

BISER, after a successful Seed Money project, decided last year that, together with the Lead Partner – #Department of Oncology, Zealand University Hospital and partners identified throughout the Seed Money project, a project application for a large, regular should be submitted in the 1st call for proposals.

The unprecedented scale and scope of the project make it a valuable initiative within the South Baltic Interreg Programme. For the first time, five South Baltic countries (including almost all leading medical research institutions and clinical centres) with different healthcare systems will carry out a joint project to develop truly innovative, unified models of implementing high-quality e-health solutions.

Thereby the AMBeR Model will foster the digitalization of public healthcare services and allow for uptake by other institutions within the SBA, ultimately digitizing healthcare and integrating services.

Congratulations to the whole team and institutions involved:

  1. Department of Oncology – Sjællands Universitetshospital
  2. BISER – Bałtycki Instytut Spraw Europejskich i Regionalnych
  3. Angelholm hospital, Region Scania
  4. Greifswald University Medicine                
  5. University Rostock Medical Center                 
  6. Faculty of Health Science – Klaipedos Universitetas
  7. Pomeranian Medical University, Dept. Of Hematology and Transplantology                      
  8. UCK – Univeristy Clinical Centre in Gdańsk

Link to the selection announcement: